GP Now Articles
Assortment of project articles published in the city's official newsletter.
August 2021
Inaugural Photo Contest
The City of Grants Pass Public Works Department is seeking photo entries for the 2021 “Importance of Your Water” Photo Contest. All levels of photographers, from amateur hobbyists to local professionals, are encouraged to enter.
July 2021
Art Along The Rogue Will Return in October
The City of Grants Pass Committee on Public Art (CoPA) will present the 2021 Art Along The Rogue Oct. 1-3
May 2021
Drinking Water Week, May 2-8
This year once again, Grants Pass will join other cities, utilities, private companies, and public agencies across the nation to observe National Drinking Water Week, May 2-8.
March 2021
2nd Annual Drinking Water Week Poster Contest
Local students can win $100 for their creative artwork based on the theme: “There when you need it.”
January 2021
Help Wanted: Water Treatment Plant Replacement Project Offers Local Opportunities
Construction for the Grants Pass replacement Water Treatment Plant will begin in earnest in 2021 and the city is encouraging local firms to get involved. One particular focus area will be on the use of local workforce and materials vendors.
November 2020
Imagine A Day Without Water Essay Winners
The City of Grants Pass Public Works Department has announced the winners of the city’s Imagine A Day Without Water essay contest.
September 2020
Essay Contest: ‘Imagine A Day Without Water’
The City of Grants Pass Public Works Department is sponsoring an “Imagine A Day Without Water” Essay Contest for local students. All Grants Pass middle school and high school students, including home-schooled students, are eligible to enter the contest.
July 2020
The Bottom Line is Water
It’s pretty easy to take water for granted in Grants Pass. Thanks to investments by city leaders, reliable clean water is just a turn of the tap away, but as the city moves forward with building a new Water Treatment Plant, several local business leaders are not so sure the community really understands how important water and replacing the existing plant really is.
June 2020
Frequently Asked Questions: A New Water Treatment Plant
As the city moves forward with the crucial process of building a new Water Treatment Plant to serve it’s residents, many residents have contacted City Hall with questions about the need for the new plant, the overall process used to determine the best location for the new plant, and the future process of constructing a plant that will serve Grants Pass for the next 100 years.
May 2020
Loving the Science of Water
Emily Moreland first joined the staff at the city’s Water Treatment Plant as a temporary seasonal summer employee. She worked at the plant while going to school at Rogue Community College, where she was taking classes with the idea of someday pursuing a career in forestry or ecology.
April 2020
Council Initiates Eminent Domain for New Water Treatment Plant
The Grants Pass City Council voted to file a lawsuit for condemnation to move forward with construction of a new water treatment plant on 9.97 acres located near the intersection of SE “J” St. and SE Mill St., after the council was informed that current negotiations for the property have come to a standstill.
February 2020
City Adjusts Scope of Land Needed for New Water Plant
The Grants Pass City Council approved a new resolution declaring a public need for acquisition of property for a new water treatment plant at their meeting Jan. 15. The new resolution supersedes a previous resolution adopted March 20, 2019, and changes the scope of the property required for building the new plant.